About the Business
The club was formed in 1976 at the Harris Middle School by current Director's John Pawsey and Colin Price. Once the Club moved to Benjamin Britten High School in the early eighties, at the request of the Head of PE, Waveney Gym Club was able to increase it's number of sessions, capacity and standard of gymnastics. With a membership of approximately one hundred gymnasts, the Club produced County, Regional and National Squad members.
In 1994/95, the two main post holders at the club saw the opportunity to consider working towards the vision of a purpose built gymnastics facility in the town. John Pawsey, the secretary and chief coach at the time and Colin Price, the treasurer began to investigate and research the possibility of Lottery funding for such a project.
By 1998, after a great deal of hard work and negotiation with Suffolk Education Authority for part of the school field at Kirkley High to be allocated to such a building, a submission was made and a 99-year term lease was agreed.
Location & Hours

104 Notley Rd